Sunday, September 16, 2007

Wk 10 Reading

Ch. 7 Strategy, Planning and Scheduling
Ch. 8 Tactics

I think the key points to remember from this week’s readings are:

-That the strategy is the overarching plan helping to ensure that organisational goals and objectives are achieved, while tactics relate back to the purpose of achieving the strategic outcome.

-Stages of the strategic process in PR are:
-the creation of organisational vision and mission statements
-creation of PR vision and mission statements
-establishment of performance indicators
-writing a strategic PR plan
-scheduling a PR plan activities

-Controlled tactics are those over which the PR practitioner maintains control of every aspect of the process, from message creation and crafting to final distribution ie advertising, brochures.

-Uncontrolled tactics are those that can be altered or even blocked ie media relations where the use of a message lies with the gatekeeper.

-Methods of delivery play a critical role in determining the impact and effectiveness of a message. eg Emails are good for an instantaneous way to communicate short sharp messages delivered to the addressee, but they also run the risk of being classified as spam and can be easily deleted.

-New Technologies largely evolving on the internet allow a platform for new tactics such as chat rooms, Q&A’s, video streaming and even podcasts to be available on an organisation’s website. These however must be dealt with in their online context, as a ‘brochure style’ rarely effectively crosses over to a webpage.

The readings made me think more about PR theory/practice in the many varied tactics that can be involved in a PR campaign, and what needs to be considered before employing them.

Eg. Media relations may be far reaching but outcomes are not always controlled or guaranteed.

Printed materials such as leaflets, brochures and flyers are useful when detail, persuasion or a lasting document is required, but they rely on skilful execution to compel an audience to pick them up and read them.

Direct mail is directed at specific target demographics and is effective when more personalised communication is needed, but a practitioner needs to be aware of legal restrictions when accessing personal information.

It can therefore be seen that the strategy and tactics in PR campaigns must be selected with regard to target audiences, their appropriateness, advantages and disadvantages and the available budget.

1 comment:

Melanie James said...

Good effort on this Brianna