Monday, September 10, 2007

Wk 9 Ch.13 Sponsorship and Event Management

The key points to remember from this week’s reading are:

-Sponsorship is the purchase of specific rights and benefits associated with an event, organisation or individual.

-Sponsorship can generate goodwill and provides opportunities to enhance the image and reputation of the organisation by association.

-Sponsorship provides a focal point for sales and marketing, offers high visibility to potential customers and can generate media coverage.

-Philanthropic sponsorship is usually community based and is close to a donation.

-Corporate sponsorship is the sponsorship of an event/ activity not normally linked to the sponsoring company’s general business eg Ford Australian Open Tennis, Mc Donald’s Junior Tennis.

-Marketing sponsorship is the most popular and is a common inclusion in a cost-effective sales and marketing strategy. Cash and goods are offered in return for tangible revenue-orientated results. It is primarily used to promote products and services to targeted market segments and/ or used primarily to reinforce a product, brand or promote sales activities. eg Nike has marketing sponsorship agreements with high-profile athletes.

This week’s reading made me think about PR theory/ practice more in that I know have a greater understanding of the amount of planning that needs to go into events.
First research needs to be undertaken to determine the feasibility of an event looking at areas such as cost, opportunities to raise revenue, effect on key publics, what the organisation can gain, when it would be best to hold it.

When creating a plan some considerations include:
-generating sponsorship (creating plan, proposals, securing sponsors)
-servicing sponsors
- formulating event budget
-preparation and implementation of promotional/ marketing plan
- preparation and implementation of PR strategy
- developing schedule of events
- formulating event rules and procedures
- appointment of key officials, judges and personnel
- determining the amount of equipment needed
-organising services such as electricity, audio visual, water, toilets
- organising security
- securing permits
-arranging catering services
- food and beverages for VIP, sponsors
-incorporating social schedule
- organising key functions
-liaising with accommodation and travel for participants
-processing entries
- coordinating rego
- securing merchandise
-organising insurance and implementing a risk management strategy

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