Friday, August 3, 2007

Week 4 Reading

I think the key points to remember from this week’s readings were about the differing roles and duties that fall under PR. Although the people profiled were in different positions working for varying organisations, many of the key tasks they performed stayed the same.

Tasks such as writing media releases, contacting journalists, arranging media coverage, organising events, and working on marketing strategy and promotion were all mentioned multiple times.

Desirable personal traits such as being able to work fast, under pressure, to a deadline, to a budget and staff restrictions were brought up. The importance of networking and the ability to think outside the box were also highlighted.

The readings made me think more about PR theory/ practice in that the people profiled enjoyed their jobs and recommended only working in something you believe in. Working takes up such a large percentage of your life that if you are going to put all the time and effort that is required into a PR role, you need to want to be there.

The second reading also made me think about the importance of internal communication in the success of any organisation. Just as with any team, goals are easier to achieve if everyone is striving towards the same ones, and it is only through clear communication and a feeling of mutual support that such goals are achieved.

1 comment:

cmns1290caitlinandrews said...

I agree strongly with what you have written. It is so true that the PR practitioner needs to have a personal interest in the organisation and it's goals.

I thought your point about everyone working towards the goal was not only interesting but very important. If you think of a not-for-profit organisation, such as The Red Cross, it becomes clear how important it is for all practitioners in the team to be working towards a common goal. So many of the profiles on practitioners in the reading emphasised the need for excellent teamwork, as in situations of short staff and a close deadline, one often has to help others to get their job completed as well.

I thought the way that you approached the reading was helpful to other students as you put it into simple terms that everyone should be able to understand. I know that I found it easy and it reinforced what I took from the reading.